At first everything in the supermarket is easy to find, you know your way around and you know where everything is located. It’s a two way partnership. Then suddenly overnight everything changes. Your favourite items are discontinued, the aisles you’re familiar with have been swapped around. And you’re left wondering what changed.
Don’t fall for supermarkets blowing hot and cold, you need more consistency in your life.
Having regular deliveries of your favourite items or meals can prevent you from needing to scramble around the aisles and provide you with more stability.
You’ve heard of red flags, but what about those yellow sales tags? Don’t let the shiny stickers trick you into thinking you want stuff that you don’t need. The colour has been designed to make a deal more enticing and catch your eye.
Those deals and savings release mood boosting dopamine and trigger the dopamine system in the brain associated with pleasure, addiction and reward. This can cause havoc with our nervous system making us temporarily infatuated and blinded to the flags that reveal someone’s true intentions. In order to avoid them - and overspending in the supermarket once and for all - make sure to stick to what you really need and never visit on an empty stomach. You’ll thank me, and yourself later.
Commissioned by EveryPlate in conjunction with Pure Profile, the research was conducted online in May 2023. Findings are based on a nationally representative sample of over 1,000 Australians.